
Capturing the rollercoaster ride of pregnancy From the baby's first kick to the quest for that midnight snack—every moment is unique. Isn't the human body just downright magical? Whether you're glowing with joy or dealing with the less glamorous sides (hello, swollen feet!), each day brings you closer to meeting your little one. And trust us, you'll want to remember it all.

Here’s the deal: Photos capture the beauty, the struggle, and the miraculous transformation that words just can't describe. We're talking about documenting your power, your grace, and heck, even those 'why can't I see my toes anymore?' moments. Because one day, you'll look back and think, 'Wow, I did that. I created life.'

So, lovely mamas-to-be, no matter how you're feeling about the bump life right now, remember, your body is doing something extraordinary. And that definitely deserves to be celebrated and remembered.

we 🖤 that belly between 32—36 weeks